About Us

Benhti Economic Development Corporation (“BEDCO”) is a Tribally chartered entity, wholly owned by the Native Village of Minto, a federally recognized Indian tribe. Minto is a Lower Tanana Athabascan Native Village in the interior of Alaska above the Tolovana River.

BEDCO was chartered by the Minto Native Village Council on October 2, 2018. BEDCO’s purpose is to generate revenue and promote economic development and self-sufficiency to significantly benefit the community of the Native Village of Minto.

Sarah Silas of Minto

“The Benhti Kenaga’ language, also known as Menhti Kenaga, Tanana or Lower Tanana, is a Northern Athabaskan language. Benhti/Mehnti means among the lakes. It is spoken in eastern Alaska by people who live on the Tanana River in the villages of Minto and Nenana, Alaska.”

At BEDCO we believe in creating opportunity for our tribal members. We want to diversify our portfolio to support our tribes needs in the business realm. We will develop a comprehensive business strategy and create jobs for our tribal members. BEDCO would like to identify and develop multiple pathways to success. BEDCO will provide products and services that costumers will enjoy and find useful. BEDCO would like to introduce the next generation to various business markets. BEDCO will have a robust portfolio to hand off to the next generation.